> Member Compass > School of Character Application

Schools of Character Application Process

Congratulations on being named a 2018 State School of Character!  It is without a doubt, that already your school is making great strives in setting itself apart from average schools. The journey of becoming a School of Character is so much more extensive than the application process, and we want you to know that you are not taking that journey alone. desires to be a part of that journey.  As you continue to grow as character educators please utilize our resources on our website, feel free to consult us in any questions that you may have, and please make plans to join us at next year’s Forum in Washington D.C.


What to expect now

  1. A national evaluator will receive your application to schedule a virtual or physical site visit.
  2. You and the evaluator will schedule the date and schedule of the site visit.
  3. Announcement of National Schools of Character will be in Mid May. (information coming soon)

We look forward to learning about your great school,


Sheril Morgan

Director, Schools of Character
Main · 202-296-7743
Direct/text 918-351-4046 
1634 I Street NW Suite 550
Washington, D.C. 20006

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