"*" indicates required fields Thank you for helping evaluate your school’s implementation of the 11 Principles. Please download and read the self-assessment tool and scoring guide before completing this form. We recommend that you have your scores ready to input before starting this form. When you are finished, click on submit. Your scores will go directly to Character.org.School/District: Stakeholder Name* First Last Stakeholder Type*AdministratorCommunity MemberNon-Teaching staffParentStudentTeacherStakeholder Email* Principle 1 A set of core values is selected, defined, embedded, and modeled throughout your school culture Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 1 Average Score1.1 – School stakeholders intentionally consider, select, and affirm (or reaffirm) your school’s core values.* Open and Transparent/all involved in selecting. Ensure current relevance of core values A balance of moral/performance/ intellectual/civic character. Defined in behavioral terms; “looks like”; character strengths, not an outcome. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 1.2 – The core values inspire, guide, and inform every aspect of school life.* Staff, students, parents use common language Strong staff buy-in, modeling. Staff ownership for teaching, modeling, integrating core values into everything. Embedded in school policies and procedures Shape hiring practices, new staff; training, new student/family orientation, etc. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 1.3 – Reminders and statements of your school’s core values are visible throughout the school community.* In mission statement, handbooks, discipline, school goals, everywhere. Staff, students, parents can identify/explain touchstone, mantras, school creed, etc. Core values are communicated in observable behaviors. Artifacts show that core values are the heartbeat of the school. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 2 The school develops and implements an intentional, proactive, and comprehensive approach that embeds character everywhere. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 2 Average Score2.1 -The school has an intentional process to critically reflect and discuss how everything in school influences the culture.* School leaders can explain in narrative form the school’s character development strengths and challenges. School leaders can explain how they identify and assess the “hidden curriculum.”-(see guidebook for more information). Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 2.2 – The school provides experiences and time for students to reflect on and internalize the core values.* Developing empathy and a sense of responsibility for others Reflect thru real-life problems Safety, belonging, autonomy needs met Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 2.3 – The school looks for new practices and approaches to grow character initiative.* School leaders can explain in narrative form how their character development plan is a proactive process of continuous improvement and growth. Staff meet regularly to reflect on different ways to model the core values. Time for staff to discuss core value integration. Staff discuss reaching all students, whether all activities are developmentally appropriate, etc. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 2.4 – The school is intentional and proactive in addressing social, emotional, & character development.* A research-based approach is used to teach SEL skills to all students. PD for staff re: SEL School stakeholders can show how SEL skills are embedded. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 3 Every student understands, cares about, and practices the core values embedded in the school community. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 3 Average Score3.1 – Staff provides multiple opportunities for students to understand and apply the school’s core values.* Staff explain how they teach/provide opportunities for students to understand the core values & how they are applied daily. Students can explain each core value, the importance and application to their lives. Students can explain how all stakeholders model core values. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 3.2 – The school identifies ways to encourage students to reflect upon, internalize, and make a positive and sustained commitment to live their core values.* Students take ownership of own character growth; staff/students can explain. Time is provided for student reflection on character growth. (goal-setting, journaling, etc.)Students explain which core values/character strength they want to improve and why Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 3.3 – The school provides opportunities for students to practice the core values so they become consistent habits of mind, heart, and choices.* Students can explain how they practice the core values in the context of classroom work, relationships, sports, real-life situations, etc. Staff and students can explain how they provide positive and constructive feedback to each other. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 4 The school creates a caring community where everyone feels they belong. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 4 Average Score4.1 – The school fosters caring relationships between students and staff.* Intentional strategies & practices are used to promote positive relationships. Students feel understood, heard, & valued. Every student has an adult to go to for any reason, (does not have to be a teacher). Teachers/students connect in small groups Discipline prioritizes restoring positive relationships. Every student feels safe & connected to what the school stands for & believes. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 4.2 – The school helps students form caring relationships with each other.* Intentional strategies & practices used to foster student connection, develop empathy & sense of responsibility for others. Artifacts show all students perceive the student body as friendly, inclusive, & supportive. Practices & strategies are used to foster caring/respect (ex. class meetings, cross-age groups, peer mentoring etc.) Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 4.3 – School leaders foster caring relationships between all staff members and between staff and parents.* Intentional strategies & practices are used to promote positive relationships. Parents report feeling welcomed & respected. Staff report positive climate and colleagues who support each other. School leaders model caring relationships Artifacts show all staff feel valued. PD is offered about building relationships. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 5 The school provides students with opportunities to shape and form their moral compass. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 5 Average Score5.1 – Opportunities for all students to participate in Service Learning that’s connected to the curriculum.* Service Learning is used as an instructional/teaching strategy Projects connect service with curriculum & academic content standards. Students assess community needs, take initiative, plan, reflection about project and character growth, share project with an audience Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 5.2 – Opportunities for all students to participate in Community Service projects.* The school has established expectations for community service both inside and outside of school. Community Service projects are developmentally appropriate. Students understand the meaning and purpose of the project. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 5.3 – Each student is equipped with the skills to practice academic integrity.* The school has implemented a comprehensive approach to academic integrity. Developmentally appropriate strategies and practices used. Students respond appropriately when faced with pressure to lie, steal, or cheat. Students can explain how being honest and a person of integrity is important. Students report honesty and integrity are promoted and modeled by staff. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 5.4 – The school equips each student to stand up to peer mistreatment.* The school has put in place intentional strategies, activities, & practices to promote respect, understanding, & peace among students. Steps are taught to stop peer mistreatment. Students report staff actively address peer mistreatment. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 6 The school offers a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that encourages all students to develop their character strengths. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 6 Average Score6.1 – The school develops a comprehensive plan to infuse character into the academic curriculum, across all subject areas.* Artifacts show character is integrated into all aspects of teaching, learning, & content. Engages students-(problem-solving, coop. learning, project-based learning). Teachers exchange ideas to infuse character, ethical dilemmas, etc. Parents/students can give examples of character embedded in curriculum. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 6.2 – Staff emphasizes and reinforces how all students can develop the strengths of performance character.* Students understand/apply performance character strengths. Teachers model and embed performance character strengths. Students report staff emphasize & reinforce importance of performance character strengths. Fosters social habits for working together. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 6.3 – Staff emphasizes and reinforces how all students can develop the strengths of intellectual character.* Students understand/apply intellectual character strengths by developing thinking habits, (curiosity, critical thinking, creativity, etc.) Teachers model and embed intellectual character. Students report staff emphasize & reinforce importance of intellectual character strengths Promotes student autonomy; mastery goals. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 6.4 – Appropriate content challenges that address all students’ learning needs.* Curriculum challenging/ engaging for all learners. Teachers respect learners & differentiate instruction for needs. Parents/students report appropriate challenge. Help students reach potential. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 7 The school fosters character by encouraging students to “do the right thing” for intrinsic rather than extrinsic reasons. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 7 Average Score7.1 – The staff exchange ideas to help students develop/internalize own moral compass.* School leaders can explain in narrative form strategies & practices to help develop each students’ moral compass. Staff understand use of intrinsic motivators and why they use extrinsic ones. Methods stress intrinsic motivation, help students to see behavior impact, inclusive of all & involves students explaining developing moral compass. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 7.2 – Student behaviors and mistakes serve as opportunities to teach and reinforce character development.* PD in character-centered practices for discipline. Discipline process and consequences are relevant, respectful, and resource-building Discipline tied to reflection on core values. Practices protect student dignity Intentional focus on reflective and restorative practices. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 7.3 – All students are empowered to have a voice in school’s character initiative as well as character goals for personal growth.* Behavioral norms, routines, and expectations are co-created, (teachers/students), are age appropriate, and based on core values. Time provided for students to discuss and find solutions to common problems. Students have a voice in school improvement and character initiative. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 8 The school embraces shared leadership as a critical path to deepening its character initiative. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 8 Average Score8.1 – Leadership demonstrates a sustained commitment to the school’s character initiative.* The principal is a visible and supportive character champion. Models the core values. Actions and decisions align with core values and school mission. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 8.2 – A leadership team of teachers, staff, students, and parents is empowered to design, implement, and assess the school’s character initiative.* In narrative form, explain selection of character team and reflect school diversity. Evidence of shared ownership with all. Leadership explains how prospective leaders are nurtured. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 8.3 – Students assume leadership roles that contribute to the school’s character initiative.* Students have opportunities to voice concerns/ideas and encouraged to serve as leaders in character initiative. Students empowered to implement student-led practices and have leadership training. All staff/admin. can explain how students are equipped to be leaders. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 9 All staff share the responsibility to implement and reinforce the school’s character initiative. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 9 Average Score9.1 – All staff members are encouraged to be involved in planning, designing, and implementing the school’s character initiative.* Staff report their active involvement. PD for all staff to learn, discuss & exchange ideas Staff have opportunities to voice concern/ideas in character initiative. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 9.2 – The staff commits to finding ways to intentionally reinforce and model the four domains of character.* Students/parents say staff models core values. Guides planning Artifacts show how all staff are actively involved in the character initiative. Staff demonstrate ways they hold each other accountable to living as a person of character. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 9.3 – Staff members intentionally reflect on their own character strengths and growth.* PD offered to collaborate & learn best practices for character initiative appropriate for each staff role. Staff can explain how they reflect on their character strengths and grow as a character educator and artifacts support this. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 10 Families and the community are integral partners in the school’s character initiative. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 10 Average Score10.1 – Families are involved in the character initiative.* Parents assume active leadership roles in creating practices to support the character initiative. Parent rep(s) on character committee. Parents are aware and supportive of the character initiative and work to model character/core values. Parents actively volunteer. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 10.2 – The school communicates with parents/caregivers about the character initiative and regularly seeks their input and feedback.* The school can demonstrate how they communicate with parents. Part of new family orientation Parent workshops offered Parents have opportunities to voice concerns/ideas about the character initiative. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 10.3 – The school strives to develop a “community of character” by involving different community stakeholders.* Evidence that wider community is actively involved in character initiative. Community members aware, supportive, updated about the character initiative. There are community partnerships with school. Community members volunteer in the school. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary Principle 11 The school annually assesses the progress of its character initiative & makes changes based on data. Principle Average Score: This field is hidden when viewing the formPrinciple 11 Average Score11.1 – Core values are reviewed on an annual basis so each core value can be reaffirmed or revised as needed.* All stakeholders review each core value for relevancy and vitality. Values are understood, modeled, and woven into school culture. Core values are embedded in all aspects of school life. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 11.2 – The school uses a variety of methods to measure and assess its character initiative.* Examples of different assessment tools. Data gathered on character-related behaviors and how data impacts character goals Time for staff to discuss & review initiative and how data gathered informs change. School leaders can explain data and need for change/new practices in narrative form. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 11.3 – The school has an action plan for each academic year that includes specific year-long goals and objectives.* Artifacts show there is an annual review of the character initiative & data is used to develop new practices, strengthen current efforts and determine goals. Data/goals are communicated to stakeholders. Explain process to assess new practices. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary 11.4 – Assesses aligning actions & choices with core values & other character strengths.* Variety of approaches (interviews, reflections, etc.) Staff and students set character goals and self-assess progress. Surveys, data collection on student behavior demonstrates growth. Lacking Evidence Developing Good Exemplary This field is hidden when viewing the formCombined Average ScoreTotal Average Principle Score: